Jail Visitation Information
All adults in custody (AIC) of the Coos County Jail are currently allowed one half hour visit per week unless they are on disciplinary status. AICs are allowed a maximum of two (2) visitors per visiting period. All AICs must be incarcerated for a minimum of 72 hours prior to their first visit. The AIC must request in writing to have someone placed on their visitation list. All visits must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance. If an AIC has requested to have you put on their list, and it has been approved, you may schedule a visit by calling 541-396-7861 between 1:00p and 3:00p.
Visitation Times Are As Follows:
Males |
Wednesday | 1:00p-3:30p |
Females | Friday | 1:00p-3:00p |
Rules of Conduct For Visitation
- Upon arriving at the jail visitors must present a driver’s license or other form of identification that display a picture of the visitor, their name and date of birth.
- No cellphones, purses or unauthorized personal belongings may be brought into the jail during visitation.
- Visitors must wear conventional clothing in a manner that is not unduly suggestive. A visitors clothing may not resemble any jail uniforms and cannot create a security hazard due to its nature.
- Visitors will control children and remove them from the visiting area if such action becomes necessary to avoid disturbing other visitors.
- Visitors shall not carry onto the grounds of the jail any explosive devices, firearms, ammunition, knives, alcoholic beverages, narcotics, dangerous drugs, objects or materials of any kind which might be used to compromise the safety and security of the jail.
- Any person under eighteen (18) years of age must be accompanied by a parent or approved visitor over eighteen (18) years of age or older.
- Visitors will not exchange articles or objects of any kind with an AIC.
- Visitors may not bring any food or beverages into the visiting area.
- Visitors who supply or attempt to supply contraband to prisoners are subject to prosecution under ORS 162.185. Supplying contraband is a class C Felony under Oregon Law.
- The jail supervisor has the authority to terminate or cancel any scheduled visit if any of the aforementioned rules are not followed or if they deem it necessary to maintain the safety of the jail.
Coos County Jail
200 E. 2nd Street
Coquille, OR 97423