Coos County Emergency Management is a division of the Coos County Sheriff's Office.
We are responsible for all emergency management related activities; including writing, maintaining, and exercising the county disaster plan. We are staffed with one full-time Manager, and coordinate with many liaisons from other community agencies and departments, along with State and Federal agencies. During an emergency, staff from various county departments, respond to the emergency operations center along with state and federal agency liaisons. RACES (Radio Amateur Communication Emergency Services) volunteers provide backup communications throughout the County for various government agencies as needed. Volunteer assistance is vital in providing the necessary programs to the community through this Office of Emergency Management as well as the cooperation and participation of local city government entities.
The Coos County Emergency Management program's purpose is to increase the County's resiliency and to increase its ability to prepare for, respond to, recover from, and to mitigate against disasters through a County-wide integrated system.
Coos County Emergency Management assists in preparing government agencies and the public for natural and man-made disasters and act of terrorism through identification, notification, and warning of potential hazards, the plan development and exercise process, as well as the development and implementation of mitigation projects.
The best time to prepare for a disaster is before it happens; knowing what to do when there is an event can make you and your family more resilient. Please join in partnership with your local government agencies to be prepared. BE READY through individual awareness and preparedness.
During an emergency please minimize use of cell and land-line phones; systems can be overwhelmed by demand and hinder emergency response. Do NOT call 9-1-1 unless you have an immediate life-threatening situation. If you are safe at home during a disaster, stay there, allow the transportation routes to be available to response vehicles. Tune in to your local radio station for information.
Chip Delyria, Emergency Manager
Coos County Emergency Management
Coos County Emergency Management Facebook Page : Click Here