Account Search
- (Don't enter too much; ie: Use "1234 5th" instead of "1234 S.5th, Coos Bay"
- Basic search: by Name or House # & Street name.
- Advanced search: by Account # or Document # or Legal Description or Map & Tax Lot or Situs Address; also by Year or Roll Type or Account status or Tax status.
ArcGIS Aerial Photo Map
- with Parcel lines; shows selected Assessment details. Selectable content layers.
Deed Search-Digital Research Room
- Search by Name or Document # or Recording date /date range).
Maps, Maps, and Much More
- Everything and the Kitchen Sink.
Plat Maps
- First, you'll need to get the Map & Tax Lot (Township, Range, & Section) from Account Search or ArcGIS.
Sales Comparables Finder
- Search recent sales by Sales Price range and Year sold.
- Search recent sales by Sales Price range and Year sold.
Our goal is superior customer service to YOU, the taxpayer.
Guided by Oregon state law and administrative rules, we promise fairness, consistency, and equity in appraisals and assessment of Coos County Properties.
We're dedicated to the continual development and utilization of technology along with the use of proper appraisal methods, recalculation, and standards set by Statute; to maintain the basic foundation of property information for the taxpayer and public; to ensure basic understanding of the assessment process, while maximizing the efficient use of staff and resources.
The Assessor’s Office is primarily a source of information about Real property ownership and valuation (RMV, MAV, AV, SAV, & MSAV).
Questions about the permissible land use(s) should be directed to the Planning Office (
Disclaimer: We are not permitted by law to give legal advice. If you need a lawyer, please contact the Lawyer Referral Service of the Oregon State Bar at (503) 684-3763 or 1-800-452-7636.
- Account Search
- ArcGIS Assessor's Parcel Map
- DOGAMI Interative Maps & Geospatial Data
- FEMA Flood Maps
- OR DLCD Atlas: maps, zoning, boundaries, hazards etc
- Oregon Administrative Rules
- Oregon Building Codes Division
- Oregon Department of Revenue
- Oregon Legislature
- Oregon Office of Emergency Management
- Oregon Revised Statutes
- Oregon State Agencies A-Z
- ORMAP: Plat - GIS Map Viewer
- ORMAP: Plat - Tax Map Explorer
- USFWS National Wetlands Inventory
- How property taxes work in Oregon
- Real property Assessment and Taxation
- Appraisal Methods Manual
- Three Approaches to Value