Coos County Survey Resource System

Coos County Survey Resource System is a searchable system that Coos County provides to look up/upload and document all Surveys/Plats/Books/GCDB & Road Atlas's filed in our County.  This system is accessible by a yearly subscription only.  This system is mostly for the professionals, we have all the local surveyors, realtors, title companies, etc. that use this system regularly.  The fee is $300 a year (your year begins at the date of purchase and gives your entire office unlimited access to printable pdf's).  Most people are just needing a copy of a survey for your property, just give us a call, we can look it up for you, if one has been done.  Not all properties have them, it is not required to survey property in order to buy or sell property, although it is a smart option to add in to your negotiations.  We can email surveys to you, along with an invoice for this service, they are $5 each.  We look forward to assisting you with your needs. 
*We do not survey private owned land, we can provide a list of local surveyors to help you with your needs, make sure to call around and find a quote that works with your budget.

Contact the Surveyor's Office to request your access to our Research System.  We can provide access the same day for your convenience.  Good to use in the office or on the go.

If you are using the Windows XP operating system you will need to have Google Chrome or Firefox Browsers to view the SRS database