Coos County Zoning and Land Development Ordinance


It shall be the duty of the Planning Director or his/her authorized representative to enforce the provisions of this Ordinance pertaining to zoning, land use, the construction, erection, location or enlargement of any structure and land divisions within Coos County under the jurisdiction of this Ordinance.

No permit or verification letter shall be issued by the building official or the County Planning Department for the construction, erection, location, enlargement, or the change of the use of a building, structure, or lot that does not conform to the requirements of this Ordinance, unless otherwise permitted by this Ordinance.


  1. Violations may be reported by completing a violation form. The violation form must include the following information:
    1. Provisions of the CCZLDO allegedly being violated;
    2. Evidence of the alleged violation, such as written documentation or visual aids;
    3. Address or legal description of the property containing the alleged violation; and
    4. Contact information for the person(s) submitting the alleged violation form.
  2. All violation forms are to be submitted to the Planning Department. Once the violation form has been received, the Planning Staff will review form and send a letter to the property owner where the alleged violation is occurring, informing them that a complaint has been filed. The property owner will have 45 days to respond from the date of the letter.  Once the time has expired or there is a response staff will issue a final determination.  This does not preclude the county from issuing a citation without a letter as explained in the Coos County Code Section 11. 


A violation of this Ordinance may, at the discretion of the County, be rectified in either of the following ways:

  1. The construction, erection, location, enlargement, or use, or change in use or uses of any structure or property in violation of this ordinance or those conditions and limitations approved pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed a nuisance and may be enjoined, abated or removed as provided by ORS 215.185; or
  2. Upon conviction as provided by ORS 203.065: a. A fine of not more than $100 for each day of violation where the offense is a continuing offense but such fine may not exceed $2000. b. A fine of not more than $500 where the offense is not a continuing offense.