Searching for Committee Members

Planning Commission - The Board of Commissioners is seeking applicants to fill two positions on the Planning Commission.  The Planning Commission is appointed by the Board of Commissioners to actively participate in the County's planning program. The Planning Commission serves as a hearings body on land use matters, as well as reviewing and making recommendations to the Board of Commissioners on new or amended provisions of the Comprehensive Plan or Land Use and Development Ordinance. Members represent various geographic areas of the County. The membership also represents a variety of occupations and interests. The term of appointment is four years.  The Planning Commission meets regularly. Meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month, unless otherwise scheduled.


Noxious Weed Advisory Board - The Board of Commissioners is seeking to fill the Noxious Weed Control District Control District Advisory Board.  This Board oversees the Noxious Weed Program. The Committee meets once a month.  Please contact the Planning Department for more information. 


Committee Applications